Karate training DVD:
– “Kata part 1”
– “Kata part 2”
– “Kata part 3”

Traditional Karate Klub “ORZEŁ” in co-operation with PIRANUS PPHU company and the Canon Poland, have prepared a DVD of the training material, including kata Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan and Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan and Heian Godan. Material consists of four parts. Kata is filmed from fours directions, performed slowly, according to a rhythm and filmed from the front in accordance with all rules. The second part is embusen. The whole scheme is a world divided into separate sequences filmed from above, illustrated setting foot in the positions and specifying the order of movement sequences in each foot. The third part contains important points for each characteristic kata. The location of the various movements is illustrated by drawings with embusen, together with an indication of the position of cameras. The individual movements are shown in close-and are recorder from few directions. Before each fragment is shown moment of kata in which they are located. The fourth part is bunkai. As with the major points filmed from few directions illustrated by drawings with embusen, kata, and fragments which are performed slowly and at full speed. We hope that the presented material is interesting for you.

The basis of learning in a traditional karate is kata. It consists of a series of moves designed to give the opportunity to develop skills of student fighting with one or more opponents. Kata starts with defense techniques because karate has no agressive nature. Training takes place along certain lines called embusen movement. It should start and end in the same place. During the performance of kata should pay careful attention to proper muscle tension, breathing, rhythm, and imagine all the time opponents have been fighting with. Learning kata starts with five basic forms called Heian. Thanks to this film, you can see the three of them. In addition to filmed material from five directions, we show embusen so easy to find the key to the executioner, characteristic space. Camera settings from the various parties can review the details are often invisible at first glance. For the characteristic moments of kata we propose sites and interpretations, allowing the practical application of movement initially and clear. DVD is designed for a completely new adepts of karate and those trening from several years as well, who have the opportunity to compare their own knowledge with the presented model. We hope that the presented example applications of each technique will be readily understood that the kata does not contain unnecessary movement and exercises are not form them own.

DVD was prepared in co-operation with:


Andrzej Zarzeczny 4 DAN
Garduate AWF in Poznaniu.
He trening karate from 1981 year, all the time in Traditioanl Karate Club ‘ORZEŁ’ Poznań.

International class instructor. World Vice-Champion in team kata – Pruszkow’98. XX
European Karate Championships in the traditionally Lodz’99 – II place in team kata and III palce in individual kata.
Champion of Europe inin team kata during stylish European Championships Tenvald’99
Vice-master in Fuku-go, and a bronze medalist inteam kata – Treviso’94.
Champion of Europe in Bucharest Fuku-go 1996. Multiple medalist at European Championships Fuku-go, individual kata and team kata.
Polish Champion 2000 in the individual kata.
Vice-Champion of Europe in team kata -Kiev 2000.
Vice-champion team kata and a bronze medalist in the individual kata Bologna 2000 World Cup.
Champion of Europe in team kata FUDOKAN-2001
Vice-Champion of Europe in team kata and bronze medalist in the individual kata ME Moscow 2002.
Participant professional leagues traditional karate since 2001.
World Vice-Champion in team kata Belgrade 2002
Polish Champion in team kata 2003
Vice-Champion of Europe inteam kata Vilnius 2003
Since 2004 he resigned from the off in competitions focusing on teaching.

Szymon Gogola 2 DAN
He trenning karate from 1986 year in KKT ‘ORZEŁ’ Poznań.

Marian Winiecki 2 DAN
He trenning karate from 1982 year in KKT ‘ORZEŁ’ Poznań.

Both are multiple medalists of Championships Polish and international tournaments individually and iwith team in KATA, KUMITE, ENBU and FUKUGO
For several years they do not start in competitions, concentrate on the work of coaching.

DVD was prepared in co-operation with: